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(It was published in 1982). Ainsi va-t-il mettre à profit son génie pour la génétique et créer une nouvelle forme de peste qui ne tuera que les personnes de sexe féminin. “In 1054, the patriarch of Constantinople and the pope excommunicated each other. At one point, just as the virus was being first encountered and taking a deadly toll across the world, chapters and chapters were devoted to the small team of scientists gathered to combat it. A brilliant premise: a plague that targets women only. I do not read SF to find more virulent forms. ira   Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. attentats   The trauma splits his personality and he splices genes into viruses and contaminates bacteria with them, creating a disease that targets women and speeds up their aging. Wherever the action was, we were guaranteed to be focusing on somewhere else, some tiny, irrelevant and boring detail. Neither am I sure he has ever talked to a real live woman. virus   I actually prefer this book to Herbert's legendary "Dune". Lorsque la voiture piégée explosa dans une rue de Dublin, John O'Neill vit mourir sa femme et ses deux fils par la faute d'un terroriste. Made all the more so because of its plausibility. When he releases the bacteria in Ireland, England and Libya, the plague begins to spread around the world and governments have to close their border and expel these countries' nationals. science-fiction   Dans ce roman terrible et vraisemblable, Frank Herbert, l’auteur de Dune, décrit un avenir proche : celui du terrorisme absolu. The issue of Irish terrorism, of English suppression of Irish just demands and of Libyan support of international instability are all significant points in the developing plot, as a personal tragedy, combined with a peculiar expertise in biological manipulations allow for a truly harrowing situation to develop in the three countries. The trauma splits his personality and he splices genes into viruses and contaminates bacteria with them, creating a disease that targets women and speeds up their aging. odyssée   He is going to Ireland to work on a project there for an extended time. Plus large est le fossé, plus proche est la civilisation de sa désintégration finale. Lastly the ending is extremely anticlimactic making me question what was the goal of the protagonist in the first place. I've been looking forward to getting hold of a copy of this for a while. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. The basic tenor/plot can be summarized by this line in the book: Marvelous if somewhat (unavoidably) dated... a morality piece in sci-fi/speculative fiction clothing. The plague he created is very contagious and fatal for women. Recommended. He is a molecular biologist, and in his grief and ensuing madness, develops and unleashes a deadly pandemic which only targets women. Some of the biggest books out this fall promise to be epics full of magic, adventure,... Lorque la voiture piégée explosa dans cette rue de Dublin, John Roe O'Neill perdit la raison : sous ses yeux, sa femme et leurs deux fils venaient de mourir par la faute d'un terroriste. John Roe O'Neill is a molecular biologist. This is one of the best Frank Herbert novels outside his Dune series. Frustrating. A crazed man with powerful motivations creates a plague that quickly wipes out all women and very slowly all men. But the novel delves into what happens when one person who tries to strike back at terrorists (the IRA in this case) goes tragically wrong. Robert Laffont Canada - Tous droits réservés, Essais / Documents / Récits / Témoignages. Le droit à la liberté de parole inclut non seulement le droit de parler ou d'imprimer, mais aussi le droit de distribuer, le droit de recevoir, le droit de lire... et la liberté d'investigation, la liberté de pensée, la liberté d'enseigner... L'échec d'une civilisation se reconnaît au fossé qui se creuse entre la morale publique et la morale privée. Many of problems that arise because of the protagonist's plague se. En poursuivant la navigation vous en acceptez le fonctionnement Spoilers abound! “One of the key characteristics of an elite corps is its susceptibility to those more powerful than itself. 3 stars, Meet the Epic and Awesome Authors of Fall's Big Fantasy Novels. A good example of how if a book isn't any good 3/4 of the way through, it will never be good. The plague he created is very contagious and fatal for women. He is distraught. Sans voix, ils ne seront jamais. As women begin to die off, the U.N. gathers a group of scientists from the U.S., France and U.S.S.R. to find a cure. It's almost as if Herbert decided to write about anything and everything that wasn't actually to do with the plague or its effects. Extremely slow and uninteresting, and filled with bland characters that can be easily confused for one another because they lack any distinct personality. John O. O'Neill est un biologiste moléculaire promis à un brillant avenir. Toutes les femmes. The politicians of the U.S., England and Ireland manipulate one another to come up with the cure while trying to gain an upper hand. dystopie   Les non-nés, les non-conçus, ne votent pas pour les affaires courantes. sfff   This is one of the best Frank Herbert novels outside his Dune series. Parmi les nombreuses victimes, se trouvent sa femme et ses deux enfants qu'il voit mourir sous ses yeux. The science is meticulous, given the time period in which it was written. Seul, dans son laboratoire de fortune, il fabriqua une arme bactériologique terrifiante, la peste blanche, qui tuait les femmes, toutes les femmes, sans remède. The characters that the protagonist meets in Ireland are certainly the most interesting. (It was published in 1982). Operating on personal, scientific, political and a global power levels, I found this not only thrilling to read, but also extremely thought provoking: my emotions were both with and against the protagonist, almost in equal measure and even at one and the same time. *exhales long, exasperated breath* Let me complain about this book at you. le nom. I absolutely loved this book. futuriste   meurtrier   En France, ses oeuvres majeures ont été publiées dans la collection « Ailleurs & Demain ». May 1999 terrorisme   Gets pretty thick, towards the end - but still raises quite a few questions which aren't contemplated nearly enough in this world. génocide   THE WHITE PLAGUE is a novel of meticulously calculated revenge. La Mort Blanche est un livre d'actualité, bien qu'il fut publié il y a plus de 30 ans. someone needing to make a book safe or prop up a wobbly table, Disclaimer: I gave up halfway through, so this really only talks about the first half of the book.*. La Mort Blanche est un livre d'actualité, bien qu'il fut publié il y a plus de 30 ans. Il allait faire partager sa souffrance à la terre entière. Here is the Achilles’ heel of armies, police and bureaucracies.”, The White Plague / Frank Herbert. I'd looked it over before, but hadn't read it. This might be the worst book I have ever read. Because it speaks in and of a world I live in. La thématique qu'il traite -l'attentat biologique- est une crainte actuelle et le traitement qu'en fait l'auteur est parfaitement honorable voire tristement réaliste. Et que John, ayant regagné l'Irlande, ne change de camp... Imagine. Dans ce roman terrible et vraisemblable, Frank Herbert, l’auteur de Dune, décrit un avenir proche : celui du terrorisme absolu. Man, this was a harrowing read! I live with misogyny every day. Et menacer l’humanité de génocide.À moins que quelques femmes protégées n’aient échappé à l’épidémie. "Dune", de Frank Herbert (Alchimie d'un roman, épisode n°32), Vous aimez ce livre ? Lorsque la voiture piégée explosa dans une rue de Dublin, John Roe O’Neill perdit la raison : sous ses yeux, sa femme et ses deux fils venaient de mourir par la faute d’un terroriste. But moments of interest are few and far between. Le vieil homme : "Que connais-tu de ma douleur ? Américain d'origine irlandaise, il vient d'obtenir une bourse pour venir faire des recherches sur les terres de ses ancêtres. Eventually, the modern world turns into a very savage place and finally a matriarchal society for the single woman left to every then thousand living men. A good example of how if a book isn't any good 3/4 of the way through, it will never be good. Pris de folie furieuse, O'Neill décide se se venger de ceux qu'il considère comme responsables de son drame personnel. Elles peuvent s'immiscer partout, ni vu , ni connu.. et puis une fois qu'on s'en rend compte il est déjà trop tard (si on a le temps de s'en rendre compte bien sur). But I'm usually desperate for new reading material, so I decided to give it a try. I had read several of Herbert's novels before this one, but this is the one that made me put them all down forever. The characters that the protagonist meets in Ireland are certainly the most interesting. Il rend aussi hommage à ses origines irlandaises. However, I think a huge part of the problem was a mismatch between what I wanted (and expected) the book to be and what Herbert actually wrote. I've been looking forward to getting hold of a copy of this for a while. C'est l'avant-dernier roman écrit par Frank Herbert. Since it was one person that caused the disaster - sort of on purpose - we would probably call it a terrorist novel these days. Alors qu'il se trouve à la banque afin de remplir des formalités administratives, il assiste, impuissant, à un attentat meurtrier commis par une branche radicale de l'IRA. I give up. "The difference between sentiment and being sentimental is the following: I dug this one out for a change of pace. I don't mean that he failed to make good on his promises to the reader. He was watching from the bank manager's window when it happened. To see what your friends thought of this book. John cessa d’exister, ou plutôt il devint le Fou. Not a very good book at all. Il y a un truc qui me fout une trouille de tous les diables en ce moment : ce sont les armes bactériologiques. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published The concept was intriguing, but the story itself was rather slow. Tu n'es qu'un jouvenceau qui n'a jamais eu de femme !". Frank Herbert was a critically acclaimed and commercially successful American science fiction author. Okay, even that could have been made interesting if we'd been privy to their conversation about the virus, but no, we got pages and pages about how they looked, their accents, their physical quirks. La thématique qu'il traite -l'attentat biologique- est une crainte actuelle et le traitement qu'en fait l'auteur est parfaitement honorable voire tristement réaliste. It's almost as if Herbert decided to write about anything and everything that wasn't actually to do with the plague or its effects. I had high hopes for this book and was let down. He was watching from the bank manager's window when it happened. Then symptoms for men are mild but they remain carriers. Ses cibles : l'Irlande, parce qu'elle a engendré les terroristes, l'Angleterre, car ce pays est la cause du terrorisme, et la Lybie, où se sont entraînés les membres du réseau à l'origine de l'attentat... Je dois avouer une certaine déception suite à cette lecture. I already knew Herbert was a master of the genre, a man that has achieved in writing few have achieved, and I knew he wrote the "Dune" series, but when I took The White Plague off the shelve, I really didn't make the connection between Frank Herbert the author of this book, and THE Frank Herbert. Dans ce roman terrible et vraisemblable, Frank Herbert, l'auteur de Dune, décrit un avenir proche : celui du terrorisme absolu. I stuck with it because I try to complete most books and I wanted to see if it got better. I can´t understand, who the author hated the most when writing this: the Irish, the men, or the women. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Parce qu’il était biologiste moléculaire, sa folie était plus dangereuse qu’aucune bombe. fin du monde   Et menacer l'humanité de génocide.À moins que quelques femmes protégées n'aient échappé à l'épidémie. This seems to go somewhere interesting, but is never brought up again in the rest of the story. While in Ireland with his family, a man loses his wife and two children to a terrorist's bomb. Introduction to the novel would be something like this: A brilliant American Irish scientists is driven mad when his wife dies as a result of IRA bomb attack. Terrifying. In the meantime, O'Neill sneaks into Ireland as John O'Donnell only to be captured by the IRA-controlled government and tried for genocide. Lorsque la voiture piégée explosa dans une rue de Dublin, John Roe O'Neill perdit la raison : sous ses yeux, sa femme et ses deux fils venaient de mourir par la faute d'un terroriste. Elite power is naturally attracted to a power hierarchy and fits itself neatly, obediently into the one that promises the most personal benefits. Babelio vous suggère. He hasn't been there long, just getting over the jet lag, when a car bomb kills his wife and children. I mean that I had preconceived notions about how I thought the plot would be handled, based on reading a summary of the book elsewhere. An interesting "end of the world" sci-fi novel, that deals with human caused disaster. So, he creates a virus that will kill all women on Ireland...Will the virus spread? I really dug the premise of this book and the realism of the probleem. Extremely slow and uninteresting, and filled with bland characters that can be easily confused for one another because they lack any distinct personality. He has released the plague in the targets of his revenge, Ireland, England and Libya, but pockets of infection have spread throughout the world. anticipation   And Barrier Command under Canadian Admiral Francois Delacourt seeks to isolate the plague by patrolling borders and controlling travel among countries. 20ème siècle, Les cookies assurent le bon fonctionnement de Babelio. La Mort blanche est un roman de science-fiction écrit par Frank Herbert, publié aux États-Unis en 1982 et traduit et publié en France en 1983. Unlike most of his works, it has a connection with real-life situations in the world of the 1980s. So how such a great story could be made so boring is a wonder. Welcome back. He is going to Ireland to work on a project there for an extended time.   OK   En savoir plus, Rejoignez Babelio pour découvrir vos prochaines lectures. Seul, dans un laboratoire de fortune, près de Seattle, il fabriqua une arme bactériologique terrifiante, la Peste blanche, qui tuait les femmes sans remède. (It was published in 1982). génétique   If you love the fantasy genre, this is the season for you! Véritable légende dans l'univers de la science-fiction, l'écrivain américain Frank Herbert est mondialement connu pour sa série Dune, vendue à des millions d'exemplaires. He goes home and seeks revenge. Herbert brings his epic sense, as rendered so masterfully in the Dune books, down to Earth on a slightly smaller scale. Frank Herbert, né Frank Patrick Herbert, Jr. le 8 octobre 1920 à Tacoma dans l'État de Washington et mort le 11 février 1986 (à 65 ans) à Madison dans le Wisconsin, est un écrivain américain, auteur de romans de science-fiction. Truly a remarkable achievement for an author. This might be the worst book I have ever read. The issue of Irish terrorism, of English suppression of Irish just demands and of Libyan support of international instability are all significant points in the developing plot, as a personal tragedy, combined with a peculiar expertise in biological manipulations allow for a truly harrowing situation to. Be the first to ask a question about La Mort blanche. vengeance   John cessa d'exister, ou plutôt il devint le Fou. Toutes les femmes. Nous conformons nos recherches à des convictions immédiates, nos programmes à des désirs immédiats. Dans ce livre terrible et vraisemblable, Franck Herbert, l'auteur de Dune, décrit le terrorisme absolu de l'avenir proche. It took me a long time to finish this book, and I had a like-hate relationship with it the entire time. Il rend aussi hommage à ses origines irlandaises. Molecular biologist John Roe O'Neill is on vacation in Ireland when a bomb explodes and kills his wife and two children. Les sociétés humaines ont eu rarement coutume de planifier à long terme, tant elle répugnent à penser aux générations futures. He is distraught. He has released the plague in the targets of his. But moments of interest are few and far between. Unlike most of his works, it has a connection with real-life situations in the world of the 1980s. He goes home and seeks revenge. Il allait faire partager sa souffrance à la terre entière. thriller   Many of problems that arise because of the protagonist's plague seem significant, but are only briefly brought up, such as how the plague starts spreading into animal populations as opposed to just humans. We’d love your help. by Le Livre de Poche. Why? Et que John, ayant regagné l’Irlande, ne change de camp… roman   Il rend aussi hommage à ses origines irlandaises. littérature américaine   John Roe O'Neill is a molecular biologist. L'action se déroule principalement dans les plaines d'Irlande, ainsi qu'en Angleterre et aux États-Unis. Herbert is great at big ideas and thoroughly thinking them through, showing how each and every aspect of life and society might be impacted (see Dune). I pushed thru to the end regardless. Then symptoms for men are mild but they remain carriers. I don't know if the science was up to it at the time the book was written but the titular plague, which is carried by males unsymptomatically but kills all females, is more than possible today. La mort blanche – Frank Herbert juillet 30, 2013 par Merkantil Mais de quoi ça parle ? The only character that was somewhat likeable and had a more developed personality died soon after her introduction; the other characters were wholly unlikeable. At one point, just as the virus was being first encountered and taking a deadly toll across the world, chapters and chapters were devoted to the small team of scientist. A brilliant premise: a plague that targets women only. actualité   Unlike most of his works, it has a connection with real-life situations in the world of the 1980s. Refresh and try again. Molecular biologist John Roe O'Neill is on vacation in Ireland when a bomb explodes and kills his wife and two children. The story was long and tedious, like what I would expect a sci-fi fan in a writing class to try and pass off as epic merely because they scribbled over a thousand pages. Imagine. Seul, dans un laboratoire de fortune, près de Seattle, il fabriqua une arme bactériologique terrifiante, la Peste blanche, qui tuait les femmes sans remède. And Barrier Command un. When he releases the bacteria in Ireland, England and Libya, the plague begins to spread around the world and governments have to close their border and expel these countries' nationals. This is one of the best Frank Herbert novels outside his Dune series. So how such a great story could be made so boring is a wonder. No need to reread. John Roe O’Neill, en vacance à Dublin, voit sous ses yeux sa femme et ses deux enfants tués par une bombe de l’IRA. Où est la voix de ceux-qui-ne-sont-pas-encore ? He hasn't been there long, just getting over the jet lag, when a car bomb kills his wife and children. Start by marking “La Mort blanche” as Want to Read: Error rating book. This book was torture. And the ending was just very abrupt and not very concluding. And this "misdirection" was repeated again and again. Parce qu'il était biologiste moléculaire, sa folie était plus dangereuse qu'aucune bombe.

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