what is the highest iq possible

Kinda reminds me of this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/nlJ4WIj3j24, My iq is certified 172 I cant believe it I am 17 And smarter thatn stephen god damn hawking. This DECISION is also made about native Asian Language speakers when we encounter similar subtle mistakes in the construction of English sentences. Undoubtedly, Bobby Fischer possessed an extremely gifted level of intelligence. Part of the process of learning the mechanics of speech is practice. There are many paths to success and we dont all define success the same way. Why would an omnipotent God create a world with so much wrongdoings. Otherwise according to your reasoning, if I build a robot that kills people randomly until only one left on earth, he/she must has IQ with 100, which is obviously absurd. Just saying your IQ is that high is masturbating in public with a 1-inch long penis and gleefully yelling about how wonderfully big it is. Being intelligent doesnt make you smart. There have been about 100 billion humans alive in the history of humanity meaning there would be approximately 408 humans in the history of the world with an IQ of around 200 or higher. Back when I was fifteen I was tested by Mensa with an exam, in the UK, with a maximum score of two hundred. All people with high intelligence already knows this. My friend cannot do any of these things and she is impressed that I can. Please just be sensitive to the fact that some people might have just been hurt by your bragging (even if you werent trying to brag). Yeah right, Though it could be jealousy contributing to the fact that someone wrote that comment, it is also a normal response to doubt things one has not encountered often. Most everything that you have herein stated is opinion-based and although probability demands that you should at times land close to some semblance of truth in your ramblings, you have definitively beaten the odds. Everyone with an IQ score higher than 110 is lucky enough to have an above average intelligence. we were habitual in the den watching TV while reading Current science books and magazines (Smithsonian and Scientific American when they were great). Image byTeaFoamvia Flickr is licensed underCC-BY 2.0. Thank you for writing your comment. Mensa contacted me, several times, & invited me to the island but i did not go..i could not afford the dues. For example, one can solve complex equations and be unable to parallel park. As Jim Winer writes, intelligent people are not afraid to say: I dont know. If they dont know it, they can learn it.. Who woulda thought this article managed to attract so many geniuses! wow you are a very smart man or maybe lady (we dont judge). Does Morality Make Us Make God In Our Own Image? He attempted a political career but died young (at age 46), penniless. There are things in the world that we do not realize yet. WebIts also important to understand that your IQ score doesnt exist in isolation. old. Having known several individuals with genius-level IQs (one who tested over 200) only two of whom were socially functional and a much tinier group who were consistently wise, my conclusion is that wisdom is infinitely preferrable. Hi, Im 11 and I have an IQ of 156. A lack of empathetic ability can make a genius on paper look like the biggest dumbass on the planet. Mathematically speaking (therefore), the emotionally immature simply spend too many waking hours defending their ego to learn more during that time. The cognitive neurology to create those memories just doesnt exist yet. Judit Polgar -one of the strongest [Female] chess players of all time. Keep in mind this wont bring you from below average to genius. While I appreciate your insights in the Highest Recorded IQ piece, some of your paragraphs are un-readable in English. Be well, prospect, dont associate with anti-money dolts who cant do the math on what you will need in your future. In the beginning, God created the universe, and intelligence. WebMensa is the largest and oldest high-IQ society in the world. I hate the level of competitiveness in todays world that centers around intelligent people. they said kudos for 109 as it is close to or just under above average IQ, I was born on a dairy farm in 1946 and am an only child. Maybe its a possibility that you can have an high IQ as well as dyslexia? Hence, we recommend taking some of the numbers below with a grain of salt. However, IQ alone doesnt tell the whole story. When someone realises that, he will also realize that the Mensa IQ tests may actually not be 100% accurate. My style became very technical. I got tested at my school for gifted and talented and got a 161 a couple months ago and I wanted to learn a lot more about IQ after that. All done in his short 25 years. WebLeonardo Da Vinci had an estimated IQ of around 220, which is the highest IQ score ever recorded in human history. So, please tell me some methods to increase my iq to 180. Im both intrigued and appalled by the level of narcissism on it. Most people in my family do. That is only one of the things she doesnt use the average common sense you and I would use. Traits like ambition, drive, and mental and physical energy, are as important as intelligence in forging a successful life. 135 at 15, 136 at 32. A low score shouldnt prevent you from working toward your goals. One small 2011 study suggests that intellectual capacity can increase or decrease during teen years. Emotional intelligence. You might be a lot more intelligent than you think. If you actually managed that Id like to know how, I just turned 13 and a couple months ago was tested and got a 161. I can testify that after two such errors on a website, your efforts to influence readers will fail because English writers and speakers DECIDE at that point that it is a Third World author, So why waste my time? After 25-years on the Internet, we (Americans) have all gotten the Nigerian composed Email about the millions of dollars we can collect by paying a minor tax fee written so poorly in English that we know to INSTANTLY dismiss it. So which test were you referring to? I understand how it is to be fairly intelligent with a decent IQ and yet fail miserably in almost all aspects of life. While some of the scores below lie well above an IQ of 200, there is a debate about whether an IQ above 200 is theoretically possible (practicable). Ok Donald J frumpt. Gene Yuss, I find it quite obvious by your response to this article that you are demonstrably not a genius at all, although stating that you have an IQ of approximately 300 conspicuously displays that although your intelligence may not be any too striking, your ability at self-deception knows few bounds. I look within myself for the answers Im seeking, Im a peaceful warrior fighting the only battles that matter the ones within. IQ score: 139.6 Franklin Roosevelt was one of the most influential U.S. presidents in modern times and was the only one to serve three full terms. Honestly, intelligence should really be judged on how open minded a person is and how willing to entertain new ideas they are because some people are less educated due to lifes limitations but if they were given the tools and the means theyd probably put us all to shame. I dispersed the members far and wide and mandated them with the objective of objectification and clear clarity. I can think of only two careers. DOI: Frequently asked questions on intellectual disability. A score of 116 or more is considered above average. You can look up how long it takes things. I simply seem unable to find out what his was, and his wiki should be updated with it. people decline at the slowest rate. Thank you. It is impossible for a person with a high intellect to then write (or communicate) as if they are still in Middle School. I am currently a Synthetic Biologist in Birmingham. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-nyma-iq/. One of us requires the planet to be filled up 3 times to get another one in the maths a 1 in 21 billion. You can call me a genius, or a moron, and I do not care either way. This sction of comments is just full of people expressing their IQ score, but itll only be useful if you can use your head straight and for the right thing ya know. Though, you can and should continue to learn throughout your life. The fact that you make that kind of false statement proves it. I hadnt slept in 2 days, hadnt eaten, ,and my greatest strength is my greatest weakness a poor memory. Who showed great leadership potential every time he spoke trying to bridge the division in society for a better life for all. I had to graduate from there because i needed to take seven classes a day to make up for lost credit and graduate on time. What will we do This is why anyone cant just apply for these courses . If anyone has a score of 109, then kudos! Your IQ would not benefit you much if you do not have a very high EQ. He was born in Vernal Utah and raised in Warwick, Rhode Island where he schooled. Next time think before you try to discredit someone. We have. I have an IQ of 155 but still make loads of mistakes. Ive met people with average IQ whom i consider to be more talented than i am in many things. You cant even test the IQ of the inventors of any other 22,000 plus versions of the fiction of God because they are all dead. For anyone who wants to know those stats. They thought i cheated saying no one had ever scored 100% and I was never called back. Aside from a few awards though, I do not feel I have accomplished much and isnt that the real measure of intelligence? IQ is useless if you dont work hard. At that point, you can out think the average person with so many other answers that a common question like, What do you think I meant? makes you appear stupid because you literally dont know which of the seven different interpretations they meant. Does it make YOU feel better about yourslef to act like youre smarter than you really are? If I meet someone smart, Id want them to share their knowledge with me, not dangle it above my head and gloat. Im Nigerian and 20. Add those together and the smartest person in China should have an IQ of 196. [3] [4] [5] It is a non-profit organisation open to people who score at the 98th percentile or higher on a standardised, supervised IQ or other approved intelligence test. A double PhD asked me what qualifications I had for all that. in mathematics. If I were a genius, Id try to teach people- and I would sure hope theyd accept my teachings. A Guide to Helping Children with Dyslexia Outside of School, Everything You Need to Know About Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, There Are Many Learning Disorders a Child May Have 3 Are Most Common, Glycemic Index: What It Is and How to Use It. Studies show it is possible to increase your IQ score (Credit: Scientific American), Keep in mind when working toward a higher IQ that intelligence comes in many different forms. The pass IQ foe Mensa is 148! Who are you to tell me that I shouldnt be reading them because they are boring!? Uh im pretty certain that such a genius wouldnt spell Tolkiens name wrong. I have a TI-84 and know how to use it; lets move on. I just scored a 180 and Im friggin hammered. The entire year in ten days, ten tests and a final. Also, why are you reading college text books? To being a electronic, s tec to a vast understanding of law .ect its up to the person to expand their mind most schooling cant give you all you need to be smart. If you are a kind, generous, hard-working person, you will be much more admired than you would be for having a high IQ. But my greatest strength is as an artist. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. What a beautiful talent you have. The moral of the story : stay in school. God is of all possible genders, whether or not God even has a definable gender. Those are boring, even if you understand everything in there. WebThe highest IQ possible in the world is theoretically 200, although some people have been known to have an IQ of above 200. We have neither a clearly standardized definition of high intelligence, nor any understanding of the factors which contribute to instances of it. * (In Baku). Retired now I was always an artist but now can be that full time. I can be rather blunt at times. Q > Any number that can be expressed as a written ratio of two integers. Then their is the 25 year old who died back in 1996 that even over 20 years after his death still carrys a net worth of 40million. However, the way stats work I was not 100% in the middle even with 100% correct and high spread answers. Verbal ability tops out around 30-40 years and remains stable till about age 70 and decline beyond this age is highly individual. Theres a lot of debate on the subject of intelligence and whether it can actually be measured. I found out through the test for gifted at my school because we have a certified psychologist do it. Full on adult conversations. Just doesnt work. Im a recent graduate of Mathematics (graduated last year), a writer, speaker and currently taking a course in Investment Banking. He is supposed to have scored between 180 and 187. That doesnt mean they cant succeed. Ive worked for over 20 years in the identification, assessment and formulating programs for those who are talented or gifted. My IQ score has been factually determined to be 1. Should I assume men and women compete in different leagues in chess? My conclusion is that intelligence and God should not be discussed in the same context , at all for the simple reason that there is no God .. or there have been thousands of Gods created by people with higher intelligence and fantasy. But since they are not truly intelligent (just deluded, even by IQ test results), they are oblivious to this otherwise observable fact. I knew nothing about carpentry or tools etc. He didnt have an easy time in college, later moving to Texas where he became a teacher. When he was only 5 years old he was already able to type and had learned several languages including Greek, Latin, French, Hebrew, Russian, German, and, of course, English. Credit Gert-Martin Greuel via Wikimedia Commons is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0. I work as a a software developer. As well as capitalized it in the middle of a sentence. Your showing your IQ . BTW global warming is a function of the both the earths eccentric orbit and its magnetic field increases repelling cloud-cover cooling factors. Became secretary and then Pres. Yet if they actually loved anything or anyone more then themselves they would understand that its not that simple. There are definite, science-backed methods to improve your IQ score. However, with a standard deviation of 15, the chance that one would have an IQ of 200 makes it nearly impossible. My mother was more sympathetic. The score represents how you compare to your peer group in: If you have a high IQ score, it means your reasoning and problem-solving abilities are better than average and may signal intellectual potential. Home highest possible iq people hold world record. We all know that narcissists were a story about a person who never existed and its a low IQ way out of looking stupid around your superior intellects. Long term memory does not become possible before ones brain develops to a certain point. That being said I support the Christian countries as white race society and since they were the first to allow A-thinker to live, we have reached the stars. HOWEVER, IQ isnt everything. I have never taken an IQ test on my own. I dont know her IQ. A score above 130 indicates exceptional intelligence, and anything higher than 160 makes If it is a test, an individual can prepare for it. So children do this, 15 minutes before a test, any test, drink down 2 to 3 glasses of chilled but not cold water. But life has never been easy for me. Note ages of kids vary. I hope you will all share your time here with me and tell others show great I am and if they want they can join us next time, aslong as they can handle me next time I come! But Im actually appalled that you would respond to the poster as if he is just making a simple helpful observation. Im 11 and i have an IQ of 10 damn im smart . 100 is grocery bag boy retarded. IQ scores range from 0-200, with 0 being the minimum score and 200 being the maximum. individuals never seem to do their homework before writing up such lists !. I did well in interesting subjects, but failed in the rest. I am a genius of one field and a genius of all fields making me a genius of all genomes. God is only three letters, after all. I already have a scholarship to the University of Michigan because of my PSAT score of 1460. There are about 7 billion people in the world meaning there are approximately 28 people in the world with an IQ of around 200. It does feel a bit unfair, to be able to easily pass school tests and achieve the supposed goals of education only to find a bit of nothing at the end. Alfred Binet invented the first intelligence test. Three more promotions. After a Year call out with the Army during the Bay OF Pigs fiasco, I returned as Service manager for a larger company, and got a fast promotion to 2Lt. (2017). IQ is a measure of ability to conceptualize the complex and the abstract. If it was a public school, records might be available at the administration offices of the school district, if not on file at the school. after reading the tripe from your brain i decided that you are an insufferable ASS. Come on my dear Derelict Lujine, what are you talking about? Were both long-time engineers, & run our two corporations. And yet, theyll gleefully pronounce non-native speakers unworthy of expressing themselves in English because they make mistakes. National IQs calculated and validated for 108 nations. Most people of greater IQs will doubt me, but i found her through prayer. Californian resident Christopher Michael Langan (1952) is best known for his Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe theory. Sierra Leone - IQ of 91 Sierra Leone's flag. Wow. However when do we really need someone who can immediately solve a problem they have never seen before or when the cause is found, then be able to learn the correct method in a matter of hours. They are painfully awkward at talking and dont understand simplistic human emotions. My point here is dont generalize everything in life its obvious your not the genius you think you are. Albert Einstein is one of the most famous scientists of all time, however, he didnt have the highest IQ ever recorded. Afterall, these things do not really matter. A lot of you self-described geniuses sound like you are on meth. I went and got 27 college credits in music and 19 in science and physics (aero as dad was a helicopter genius with many firsts) by graduation. 11 years old and scholarship to University of Michigan?!?!? Who has the honor of the highest score isnt entirely clear. thats not to say I think theyre stupid or idiots, just that I always did better on tests, was more mature, more reasonable and generally academically better but I dont think my IQ is that high but I think its definitely well above the average of 100-120, my IQ is about 17, I typed this with a crayon . I kid you not, my IQ was measured as 167 at a young age. It is strange that people assume a genius has all the answers when history has shown differently. I wasnt trying to gloat, and who are you to tell me that I shouldt be reading college text books because they are boring? Its very hard, as one often encounters a communication barrier with those of an IQ much lower than theirs, thus leading to social problems. My own daughter was saying basic words at 6 mo. Most of what you enjoy came from me, just so you know. Credit: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. degree and B.S. Now if youll excuse me, I must refill my cup with organic Ginkgo Biloba tea. In infancy SAVANT skills will inflate I.Q.s. I attend 6th grade but, I am currently doing 10th grade math in an out of school program. According to Population Reference Bureau, about 107 billion people have ever lived on planet Earth. IQ scores will remain fairly stable if everyone in a group begins to perform better on testing. So they had me tested. 135 here from way back. To gloat? ?just 15 yrs old who has made 5 world record having iq about 225. I am finally happy after a long struggle with the effects of high iq, i got an iq of 175 on the actual test and im 12, Age doesnt affect IQ score, Im 13 and I got a 161 (my school psychologist tested me), Well I technically got that when I was 12. The experts say that IQ scores could potentially be improved with practice this implies that IQ tests are pointless. IQ, Some believe that children with ADHD are smarter than those without the condition. You all are immediately trusting someone who claims to have a genius intelligence, and rather than thinking, Hmm, maybe the kind and humble tones I can detect in the linguistics of whoever wrote this comment are just manipulating us for the fun of it. Tao started high school in the 1980s at age 7, earned a bachelors degree at age 16, and a doctorate at 21. It is good and admirable to achieve success and do great things with high IQ, but i realised that ultimately, the most important thing is to be content. So I decided that since you know and I know that I am amazingly perfect in everyway most can hardly believe how I do it, but I do it and do it great, I do it the greatest and I scored, really scored, scored so great it felt perfect, better then ever before and the best score I guarantee, easily the greatest on this side or that side, on any side, back or front, and I was done before it knew what happened. Tested twice about 15 years ago and was 128 plus or minus 2 if I recall.

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