jehovah means god of wickedness

Are you listening? After the fall of Biblical Israel, their texts remained behind, while they were exiled and taken captive. (a) In spite of all mans scientific progress, what is the situation today? Mountains were transformed into islands as the rising waters separated families. Copyright 2022 . Psalm 4-6. . The bottom line is that Jehovah is Satan. This is not me because I do NOT have any Facebook account. He knows what it is that keeps them going on in the evil way, and he exposes their erroneous thinking: Because sentence against a bad work has not been executed speedily, that is why the heart of the sons of men has become fully set in them to do bad. (Eccl. you cannot have without that is not within. This statement is extremely harsh. (Colossians 2:9). 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Judah's Return to Wickedness 2 Kings 21-25 (19-1) Introduction By now it is a familiar theme. 7 Azariah Jackson 1 y It is true that God permits it. He is the I AM THAT I AM. The Canaanite/Edomite Jews have corrupted the Old Testament to cause confusion and chaos in the New Testament about the true Biblical name of God The Father, and His Son in these last of the last days before the Rapture. Jehovah is translated as The Existing One or Lord. The meaning of Jehovah comes from the Hebrew word, Havah meaning, to be or to exist. It may also be to become or specifically to become known. 50:21) The long-suffering of God, intended to give full opportunity to evildoers to repent, has been misconstrued by some and they have lulled themselves into a dangerous complacency. I was raised a JW and I know my family had nothing but love in our home from the day we switched from being protestant due to 5 scriptures in the king James bible that led my mother to believe it had to be the truth. Is this an accurate depiction of Yashiya Christ? Popes declaring salvation is only found in Roman Catholic church, Quotes of Popes declaring Mary worthy of worship. Genesis 6:5 (ASV) And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. They could decide for themselves what is good and what is bad. Adam went along with Eve and also ate. Moses is transformed by this experience at the burning bush. 7. One of his own inspired servants writes of him: Anyone loving violence His soul certainly hates. (Ps. Again, anyone can make this claim, but what is lacking is evidence. YAHWEY was a desert warrior with a sword and spears. God said: You will positively die. (Genesis 2:17) However, Satan said exactly the opposite. All rights reserved. 3:6,7) Again an entire world of wicked creatures will be wiped out, but the righteous spared, as were Noah and his family. Evidence that Satan's claims were false. (a) How did Satan contradict God? (Exodus 3:14), NOT YHVH/YHWH/YAH. His promises, too, point to such decisive action, and it is impossible for him to lie. It combines Jehovah (Yahweh)the most frequently used name for Godwith the Hebrew word, for a "banner" or a "flag." In most English translations of the Bible this verse reads: They were actually recorded as prophetic patterns of things to take place on a vastly larger scale. His name is Ahayah and His Sons name is Yashiya. One only has to continue reading Genesis 4:1-7 and see that Adam and Eves children were worshippers of God. Ive seen far too many demons and I know that the bible was NEVER allowed to be translated without the approval of the Catholic church. He who has an ear let him hear! They then attempt to butter the bread and flavor it. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society produces religious literature primarily for use by Jehovah's Witnesses.The organization's international writing, artwork, translation, and printery workforce are all baptized Jehovah's Witnesses. Really, if God Removes kings and sets up kings, is he giving mankind an opportunity to rule themselves or is He in charge of who rules? After the serpent seed negro~Babylonian invasion of the ADAMIC [WHITE ISRAELITES] hidden in their remaining texts was the sacred name, safely guarded and protected by Moses. As Noah resolutely built the ark for the saving of his family, we can imagine the shouts of ridicule and derision of the multitude: It will never come in our day, Noah. Jehovah is salvation, English: Jehoshaphat George Moores work can be read here. Even the Jews have been mislead since 314AD so that is why he is the God of this system because the name you call upon is not the one you need to live and reap the paradise of God. Muslims affirm that YAHWEY and ALLAH are the same moon god worshiped in 2 different religions, Judaism, & Islam Quran (29:46). 25:1. You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, Continue in the Things That You Learned. It should also be noted that there is a Guyanese woman who demands that Jehovah means god of ruin. If you want to find out the English meaning of a word, you should ask an English speaker. Well the meanings of Je and Hovah is amazing evidence to suggest that Jehovah is in fact the God of ruin. JEHOVAH is cruel and his people are cruel. He commands us to love. Yehovah/Jehovah did not appear in any Bible until the first Old English William Tyndale 1537 Bible. According to Insight on the Scriptures, a Jehovah's Witnesses publication, the name " 'Jehovah' " is the best-known English pronunciation of the divine name" (vol. Are riots in the streets, the destruction of property and life and the widespread lawlessness things of which to be proud? You have people that know the Ancient Phonecian Hebrew and they have got themselves a JPS Hebrew Tanakh and read the Yahweh/Jehovah in the scriptures and it says Yahawah but it is still the same as Jehovah or Yahweh which means sacred god of wickedness, clamity and ruin. The UN is Satan the devils headquarters and how he controls the world. We are connected to everything and so what we create goes to what is in place by the powers that be. Therefore, when the apostles spoke to The Christ they called Him , Iesous, or JESUS. All rights Reserved. Did man assert his right to rule? Have not parents who truly love their children permitted them to undergo a painful operation to correct some problem? 15:9. they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked, Deut. (Genesis 3:3-5) He thus called into question the rightfulness of Jehovahs way of ruling. (Psalms 83:18 NIV). YAHWEY was a body guard. Just because your bible that the watchtower re wrote to suit their teachings in the 60s around the same time as they joined the UN doesnt make it the truth. The Power of Fasting and Praying, Esau is the modern day Caucasian (White Man), From the Tabernacles of EdomEsau.. .the father of the caucasian race also known as Edom and Idumaean. We saw the Lord standing upon the breastwork of the pulpit, before us; and under his feet was a paved work of pure gold, in color like amber. Masoretic vowel points are even critical to understand. Many former Jehovahs Witnesses, as well as others who are either fooled by others or who denounce the name, suggest that the name of God Jehovah means god of ruin, or god of destruction. For the Gentiles not to set God before them means that they do not fear God. IN 2020 ALL OF THE WORLD WAS IN QUARANTINE so how could you even claim these expenses when all they did was write letters at each persons own expense just like their ministry is. This verse does not say that man is incapable of governing himself but rather that it does not belong to man to govern himself. Another promise of God that he will ease righteously disposed persons of the terrible burden of living indefinitely among the wicked was expressed by the patriarch Enoch. An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, But she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones . Christian theologians began to make the pronunciation or spelling as Jehovah, choosing to disregard or dismiss the Masoretic translations of the word. Jehovah is willing, Raymundus Martinis Usage of a Rendition of Jehovah. (b)What complaint do some people have? So thats why I will need to report this to you so that you will understand the truth of Jehovah. They have stocks on the stock market for methods of mass destruction, including guns war planes abortion medical equipment supplies and tobacco. (Isaiah 26:4). All Christians have felt God's call We are always on the lookout for new . You must need a bible to understand., Is Satan Real? How To Pray? It was first mentioned between God The Father and ADAMIC Enoch. If one does not recognize the difference between there and theyre, and repeatedly capitalizes the word history, then credibility is that of a novice, at best. Share 12 However, a person might ask, Why has God permitted so much time, about 6,000 years now, to settle this issue? They will correctly answer the questions that you believe you have the answers to, What Was Gods Original Purpose for Man?, Who Is Satan? Some even profess to be Christians, and spout off this unfounded jargon. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus." To Chase Cordelia, 1. A critical look at the forms of the name of God: YHWH, JEHOVAH, & MORE. Original Word: Part of Speech: Noun Feminine Transliteration: hovah Phonetic Spelling: (ho-vaw') Definition: a ruin, disaster NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from havah Definition a ruin, disaster NASB Translation disaster (3). Kenyon all had commentaries that mentioned usage in the Greek Magical Papyri, which showed various combinations of the letters, iaou. 2:7; Gen. 18:20; 19:4-14. These excerpts from the King James translation give some glimpses into how God stays near and active on our behalf. Job: Sensor of Jewish Talmud From H1961; (the) self Existent or eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God: Jehovah, the Lord. He never wanted them or their children to suffer or have trouble. To follow Satan is to be a Satan worshipper. It is a moment of celebration and worship. Furthermore, the Bible clearly says wickedness increased to the degree that God had no choice but to wipe out all of humanity and start over. The early Masorites translated the ancient Hebrew text into the Masoretic text, including adding vowels to Hebrew letters. So ultimately, all wickedness is described in the Old . Generally, however, He has endured human wickedness with marvelous forbearance and patience. By rule, the O is silent. He is present with us in times of suffering. It is part of proclamations and prayers in Scripture, and is always associated with God's goodness to His people. Another striking example of Gods pattern of dealing with wicked ones is to be found in the Bible account of Sodom and Gomorrah. To further illustrate the English name of God Jehovah is pronounced in different ways in different languages and yet all share the same meaning. He forbids murder, stealing, fornication, greed, drunkenness and other acts of wrongdoing that cause humans to suffer. Sundayis the law of the Catholic Church alone, Concerning the Sabbath to observe it according to its law. Their wickedness was not entirely revealed ( Ezekiel 16:49) but we do know of their acts of sodomy (later in the chapter) had overtaken them in their actions, enough to rape. Reincarnation, interesting,,,,,,you are your own ancestor! I will not justify the wicked, Ex. FINAL WARNING Test the spirits: Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 7:21). From H1167 with pronominal suffix; my master; Baali, a symbolical name of Jehovah: Baali. For example, the Masorites added the mappiq to the letters jah in order to remind the readers to say Lord (Adonai) instead of Jah. Great wickedness and iniquity ruled the city. His name means TO BE. In Hebrew, Je, Jeh, Jah, Yah means Lord or God. Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked, Gen. 18:23. Or as the Worldwide English Bible words this verse: We know that we belong to God and the whole world belongs to the devil. . Satan is very clever and what better way to mislead 7,000,000 loyal people that follow Gods words as close to what should be under a false Gods name. What kind of progress is it when men can walk on the moon but cannot live together in peace on the earth? It was never pronounced EA-SOUS. Enter your email address to Subscribe to new articles by email. Beginning in the 16th century, early translations, such as King James and William Tyndale's translations of the first five books of the Old Testament, started using this form of the Tetragrammaton. How clear it is that humans cannot successfully govern themselves apart from God! I can understand the YH=yah, but how did you get two syllables from WH? I believe you should read these articles. It can be seen that the name Jehovah is a particular name for the people of Israel who lived under the law and this name represents God's merciful, majestic and unoffendable disposition. Help us seek a deeper connection to You. Jonah 1:1-2, "Now the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, 2 Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me." The Master (Jonah 1:1) "Now the word of the Lord" is this between the Melchizideck priests and the Levites? Some people blame God. The LORD our God will destroy them. The conventional Christian English pronunciation of Jah is / d /, even though the letter J here transliterates the palatal approximant (Hebrew Yodh).The spelling Yah is designed to make the . (b)What shows that Adam and Eve could have resisted Satans temptations? That name means "Jehovah saves." Well as you seeIm a student. Period. Does the word Jehovah mean evil God in Hebrew? You imagined that I would positively become like you. Even if it did, it would do absolutely nothing to prove his point. Jehovah is translated as The Existing One or Lord., William Tyndale also later used rendition of the name. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The word used in the Zohar to describe God is "Ein Sof," which translates to "The Infinite" or "The Endless One. The servants of God mean business; they have something to carry, worth carrying. He told Adams wife, Eve, to go ahead and eat from the forbidden tree. He had been undeservedly kind to those corrupt and wicked tribes of Canaan, permitting them to squat in a fruitful land, a "land flowing with milk and honey," and pollute it with all of their abominations. The tetragrammaton ( ) is used on satanic tarot cards. Even from a considerable distance Abraham could observe how thick smoke ascended from the land like the thick smoke of a kiln!Gen. The bible says turn away from false prophets they are of the anti christ. With good reason, a parent will permit a beloved child to undergo a painful operation. 10 Reasons Why the Trial of Jesus Was Illegal, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. There is no evidence in scripture to support theclaim that Adam and Eve were Satan worshippers. Please read my detail research on the names and kindly do your own research for further studies. The Hebrew word means what it means. Heathers passion is to equip and encourage believers to seek more of Gods truth and to experience more of His joy each day. By using these Y names for worship, youre saying THERE ARE 2 LORDS, 2 FAITHS, 2 BAPTISMS, 2 NAMES THAT SAVE. The answer is yes. 3:8) At the same time God offers protection and survival for those meek ones of all nations who seek him and his ways of righteousness.Zeph. This is the only statement that the Watchtower makes that they claim is supported in scripture. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. So, instead of remaining aloof and distant, He chose to reveal Himself. The LORD of Heaven and Earth have mercy on you. Jesus is named aftet g -Zeus the one who married his mother and had children with her. Get out of this place, because Jehovah is bringing the city to ruin!2Pet. While I am not one to study such things as the Magical Papyri, it is worth noting that those who havestudied them discuss the variations of the name of God found in these ancient writings. "Hovah" (#H1942) translates to "eagerly coveting, falling, desire, ruin, calamity, iniquity, mischief, naughtiness, noisome, perverse, very wickedness." . (Judges 4:24; 5:31) How blessed were Deborah, Barak, and Jael for putting faith in Jehovah God! Millions of ADAMIC [WHITE ISRAELITES] are using negro~Babylonian Y names to worship God The Father and The Christ, are clueless to the blasphemy their committing. The Psalmist calls on God to remind those who are evil that He will not tolerate evil being done to His people. 7 So by eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve withdrew themselves from under Gods rulership. Satan called God a liar. It evolved over time through changes in both traditions and translations of God's Word. What does Jehovah (more precisely YHWH) mean? Shalam! Thus Jesus authoritatively warned that the prophetic pattern is certain to be carried through to a destructive conclusion for the wicked. Isaiah foretells a time when Israel will break into a song of exaltation for God's protection over the nation, and is clearly anticipating that occasion. THE MOST HIGH IS TELLING US ABRAHAM, ISSAC AND JACOB DID NOT KNOW HIS NAME. Righteous Lot dwelt in Sodom, and he was greatly distressed by the indulgence of the law-defying people in loose conduct. In order to satisfy their animalistic passions, those men of Sodom were prepared to resort to violence against apparently defenseless strangers. See for yourself. Often remembered as the prototypical "fire and brimstone" sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" reflects the complicated religious background of eighteenth-century America, influenced not just by Calvinism, but by Newtonian physics. However, Jews claim that this name (YHVH) is not to be spoken aloud, despite Gods command to declare His name throughout the earth (Exo 9:16). An example is the doba language say the name Jehovah as Ieoba, the Cherokee language says Yihowa. Raymundus Martini: With the letter iot/jot if you have a consonant after the letter iot/jot the name has the letter I sound. Have We Turned Our Favorite Preachers and Teachers into Idols? If you want to know the Hebrew meaning of a word, you should ask a Hebrew speaker (or in this case the ancient Hebrew meaning of the word can be learned from a speaker of ancient Hebrew). Lets call this my loaf of bread theory, for lack of a better illustration. In fact, it would take us forever to list everything that You've promised and all that You've done. One thinks theyre stating irrefutable fact, and begins telling the world, Jehovah is evil Jehovah is Satan. That is what it means. The scripture described wickedness, "They (wicked people) Slay the widow and the stranger and murder the fatherless. Why things were always missing and how things even bad things always came when I prayed because I was praying to the God that seeks to destroy me and everyone else because he HATES us. No need to see that post because I am positive that YEHOVAH is SATAN. Are there those today who ridicule the idea that God will bring a complete end to wickedness and deliver the righteous, who treat any thought of an impending destructive judgment as a great joke? Still, the topic of translations is disputed, as it probably always will be. Around the 3rd century BC, out of their reverence for the command "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" (Exodus 20:7), Jewish tradition held that the word YHWY was sacred. Jehovah (or other forms of it, like Yaweh) appears in the Bible more than any other name for Godabout 6,800 times. Wake up before its too late and your the ones saying we cast demons in your name as he says I do not know you and you are dead to me. Yahweh, name for the God of the Israelites, representing the biblical pronunciation of "YHWH," the Hebrew name revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus. Thus the promises of God furnish ample basis for anticipating an end of all wickedness, and the putting out of action of the very leader in evildoing. 1., Please study about Jehovahs Witness because nothing will help you to understand. The Tetragrammaton is considered one of the seven names of God in Judaism and the personal name of God in Christianity.. "Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. There is no such thing as YAHWEY-JESUS, or YESHUA-JESUS. Psalm 4-4.

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