2 timothy 3:12 explained

The Holy Spirit would make it to be most practical and precious. I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers," what singular language this from Paul! 2 Timothy 3:12, NASB: Indeed, all who want to live in a godly way in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. It will be getting better a little further down the road, but evil days are going to wax worse and worse, until the Lord takes His church out and then God judges the world for its unrighteousness and ungodliness. Here we find the perilous times fairly brought before us. 2 Timothy 3:12 - Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. That is, without any sexual restraints. Man can do it but not God. Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. I'm just saying, Hey, I am stupid and I lack an understanding. (12) Yea, and all that will live godly.--But St. Paul would not allow it to be thought for a moment that in the fact of his enduring persecution and suffering there was anything remarkable or singular; so he adds the words of this verse, which repeat in a peculiarly solemn way the great Christian truth that eternal glory was only to be reached by man through an avenue of sufferings. At the same time He will have them undividedly for Himself; and He is also jealous of the way in which they seek even the ends of God. He was to communicate the things he had learnt of Paul, that they might be able to teach others also. (4.) It can never cease to be a Christian's duty to maintain the unity of the Spirit; but it is not maintaining the unity of the Spirit to couple with the name of the Lord that which is fleshly and sinful. for instruction in righteousness ( 2 Timothy 3:16 ): And righteousness is just actually the act of being right or doing right or living right. Then are we Christ's disciples indeed, John 8:31. You know the persecutions that I experienced, but the Lord delivered me out of them all. The difference between the braggart and the man who is arrogant is this. He might even seem to be humble; but in his secret heart there is contempt for everyone else. Look at our attitudes towards morality. The fact remains that the only place in all the world where we get a first-hand account of that person and of his teaching is in the New Testament. Well, Jesus has and He told us what to, what it's about in Luke, the sixteenth chapter. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. Jesus said, "You do search the scriptures: because in them you think you have life; but actually, they are testifying of me" ( John 5:39 ). Description of His Past Curriculum 2 Timothy 3:10-12. The moment a man makes his own will the centre of life, divine and human relationships are destroyed, obedience to God and charity to men both become impossible. There is no part of John's doctrine more strikingly characteristic than life in Christ. God wants you to be complete. What Does It Really Mean That Your Body Is a Temple? In the terrible times men will be so set on self that even the closest ties will be nothing to them. That is, he must first labour, and then partake of the fruits. It may be that, since we are only human, we cannot live entirely without differences with our fellow-men, but to perpetuate these differences is one of the worst--and also one of the commonest--of all sins. It is needful to exercise judgment now. Living here almost in a Sodom-Gomorrah atmosphere and environment. Only Luke is with me." Once Agesilaus, the Sparta king, was asked, "What shall we teach our boys?" Afterwards he also speaks of his own work and of that which he was suffering. [1.] When God came on the scene and entered the conversation with his friends? And he was probably in the company of those that were standing around, sort of crying, as they saw Paul's limp body on the ground. Word Pictures in the New Testament. It was not then an indifferent matter to God. In the last days there would come times which would menace the very existence of the Christian Church and of goodness itself, a kind of last tremendous assault of evil before its final defeat. ii. How are we to walk so as to please the Lord when disorder reigns, claiming to be the only true order? Didn't you know that's just a myth? 10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, 11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. Rather they are minimum requirements that otherwise suitable people must fulfil if the church is to recognize them as elders or deacons. This statement does not contradict what Paul said in 2 Timothy 3:9. It should be considered as one of the proper qualifications for membership in the church, to be willing to bear persecution, and to resolve not to shrink from any duty in order to avoid it. "Men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God." The more the person who lives godly and righteous in Christ stands out. Here the apostle, to confirm Timothy in that way wherein he walked. In the second chapter he turns to another theme, he instructs and exhorts Timothy as to communicating (not authority, or status, or gift, but) truth to others. The insult which comes from anger is bad but it is forgivable, for it is launched in the heat of the moment; but the cold insult which comes from arrogant pride is an ugly and an unforgivable thing. As we know, there may be over it all a certain form of godliness, but underneath it is really wickedness. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus All that live according to the will of God revealed in his word; and to the glory of God, as the end of all their actions; and which the grace of God in the Gospel, and in their own hearts, teaches them; and who have the principles of a godly life from Christ, and derive the fresh supplies of grace and life from him, to maintain . He directs him to keep close to a good education, and particularly to what he had learned out of the holy scriptures (2 Timothy 3:14; 2 Timothy 3:15): Continue thou in the things which thou hast learned. Thus he looks not to the coming of the Lord to receive him to Himself, but to the "appearing of the Lord," which is the usual side of the truth taken in these epistles. And there's such a complete, total absence of love. The man who has exhausted the normal pleasures of life and still unsated, will seek his thrill in pleasures which are abnormal. And that is precisely what Christianity demands that a man should do. Help me totake this verse seriously, that I will suffer persecution if I live godly in Jesus Christ. Note, It is not enough to learn that which is good, but we must continue in it, and persevere in it unto the end. By it we are thoroughly furnished for every good work. "And in how many things he ministered unto me at Ephesus, thou knowest very well.". But yet it is absolutely unavoidable that all of them shall have the world for their enemy in some form or other, that their faith may be tried and their steadfastness proved; for Satan, who is the continual enemy of Christ, will never suffer any one to be at peace during his whole life; and there will always be wicked men that are thorns in our sides. So the same Greek is used of the same thing, Lu 14:28, 33, "intending (Greek, 'wishing') to build a tower counteth the cost.". Thus the apostle comes to the close of his ministry, and touches upon the line of St. John. You may be able to deceive people for a while, but ultimately, it's going to catch up, even as it did with Jannes. It describes the man who is swept on by passion and impulse to such an extent that he is totally unable to think sensibly. The essence of persecution consists in subjecting a person to injury or disadvantage on account of his opinions. It is something more than meeting his opinions by argument, which is always right and proper; it is inflicting some injury on him; depriving him of some privilege, or right; subjecting him to some disadvantage, or placing him in less favorable circumstances, on account of his sentiments. . It is the word alazon ( G213) and was derived from the ale, which means a wandering about. Not only did he become a Christian; he devoted the rest of his life to the distribution of the Scriptures in the forgotten villages of northern Chile. my doctrine, and my manner of life, my purpose, my faith, my longsuffering, my love, and my patience, [you know the] persecutions, and the afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, and Iconium, and Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me ( 2 Timothy 3:10-11 ). But of one thing Paul was sure--the days of the deceivers were numbered. It is profitable to us for all the purposes of the Christian life, for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. There is a sense in which slander is the most cruel of all sins. Paul's life contrasted with the world. If a man's goods are stolen, he can set to and build up his fortunes again; but if his good name is taken away, irreparable damage has been done. The scriptures are profitable to establish the foundation of my beliefs. There is that in the scripture which suits every case. That's not the kind of promises we really enjoy, is it? 442.]. He blames the Jews who searched them, because they failed to learn the lesson which they were intended to convey. So God's word, scripture given for inspiration, by the inspiration of God and is profitable.Of course, this morning we pointed out that the inspiration of the Bible is proved by internal evidences, such as its total accuracy with known facts of science, when it happened to cover scientific subjects. The study of the Scriptures trains a man in righteousness until he is equipped for every good work. The crumbling away of everything here was before the apostle; and accordingly it is one of the peculiar features of this second epistle, that he brings out that which never can decay which was before there was a world to dissolve namely, that life which was in Christ Jesus before the world began. and then shall we find the benefit and advantage designed thereby, and shall at last attain the happiness therein promised and assured to us. (iv) The Scriptures are of use for correction. Aspondos ( G786) can mean two things. They will maintain the outward form of religion, but they will deny its power. You're a stranger. Now, it is doubtless as true as it ever was, that a man who will live as the Saviour did, will, like him, be subjected to some such injury or disadvantage. It was not merely now that they had made their consciences bad and slipped away from faith. The study of the Scriptures must never be selfish, never simply for the good of a man's own soul. But let not a man who will do this, suppose that he has any claim to be numbered among the martyrs, or even entitled to the Christian name. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Et tous ceux aussi qui veulent vivre en la crainte de Dieu, Que rien ne luy est advenu que tous fideles ne doyvent aussi attendre. Oh, Jesus, you mean you believe that story? The man who is mastered by his lower passions will gratify them in the most shameless way, as the streets of any great city will show when the night is late. The word of God is the foundation for doctrine. A. M. Chirgwin in The Bible in World Evangelism tells the story of a ward sister in a children's hospital in England. See also 1 Timothy 4:7; 1 Timothy 6:11, and on godliness, 1 Timothy 2:2. That's proper and you should have that desire. Synonyms of the New Testament. Trench, Richard Chenevix, D.D. The best way to overcome and to banish the false is to live in such a way that the loveliness and the graciousness of the truth is plain for all to see. So he's referring to the Old Testament Scriptures, those which Timothy knew from the child and he called them the "holy scriptures," which they are, "and they are able to make you wise unto salvation through the faith which is in Christ Jesus." First and foremost he has an aim in life. Lear's words remain true: "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is.

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